Foorum uuendatud versioonile 5.7.0.

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    Saidi haldaja ja asutaja
    • Oct 2021
    • 362

    Foorum uuendatud versioonile 5.7.0.

    Front End Changes


    Users can now drag and drop images directly into the Editor pane. They no longer need to be dropped on the Attachment pane. Inline Videos

    Inline portrait/vertical videos should display with a proper aspect ratio. Firefox will show playback controls properly. Additional Issues
    • The Contact Us form now uses the Webmaster Email address as the From address.
    • Poll Voters should show up on public polls now.
    • When editing a page in Site Builder, custom URLs will no longer be overwritten when you change the page title.
    • Resolved an issue in Debug Mode that caused database explain to fail on Forum pages.
