Foorumi uuendamine versioonile 5.7.3

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  • Mikk
    Saidi haldaja ja asutaja
    • Oct 2021
    • 362

    Foorumi uuendamine versioonile 5.7.3

    Selles teemas anname teada, kui toimub foorumi uuendamine versioonile 5.7.3. Mida uut tuleb?

    Third-Party Logins
    • Google Authentication has been refactored. The routines have been updated to Google's new APIs and use OATH2. Detailed instructions to configure Google Authentication can be found in the core/packages/googlelogin/readme.txt file.
    • Twitter Authentication has been repaired with the current Twitter v2 APIs. However, registration via Twitter Authentication does not work at this time.
    RSS Module

    A new RSS Module is available for custom pages. RSS Feeds will be cached between updates. An option is available to specify how frequently a feed is updated. Due to the nature of gathering external data, page rendering can be delayed when the feed is updated. When using many RSS feed modules on the same page, there can be a significant delay when the cache is updated. URL Previews

    Several issues reported with URL Previews have been corrected:
    • URL Preview Caching will now work correctly.
    • Better image processing has been added for invalid images on some URLs.
    • A memory leak that occurred with many URLs in a post has been resolved.
    • Image scaling has been updated to provide a better presentation.
    PHP 8.0+ Required

    With this release , we will no longer support PHP 7.4.X. As of November 28th, 2022, PHP 7.4.X is EOL (End Of Life). Due to this, it is recommended that all customers upgrade to PHP 8.0 or higher as soon as possible.
    Vabandame võimalike ebamugavuste eest, mis tuleneb foorumi uuendamisest.
  • Mikk
    Saidi haldaja ja asutaja
    • Oct 2021
    • 362

    Ajutiselt on lisatud METRO stiili asemel vaikimisi stiiliks default.


    • Mikk
      Saidi haldaja ja asutaja
      • Oct 2021
      • 362

      Oleme teadlikud, et Google login on katki. Palume varuda kannatust!


      • Mikk
        Saidi haldaja ja asutaja
        • Oct 2021
        • 362

        Meil on hea meel teavitada, et Google sisselogimine ja registreerumine töötab taas.

        Meeldivat kasutamist!

