Foorum uuendatud versioonile 5.6.9

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    • Oct 2021
    • 362

    Foorum uuendatud versioonile 5.6.9


    alates 7.07 on uuendatud versioonile 5.6.9 foorum. Täname!

    Back End / AdminCP Changes

    HTML Support for Outgoing Emails.

    vBulletin now uses HTML formatting for Outgoing Emails. All Email Body Text phrases have been updated and will appear the same after the change. However, if you have custom translations for these phrases, you will need to update them manually. Otherwise, your outgoing emails will lose their formatting. W3Schools has a free HTML course so that you can learn basic HTML if you need to. Do not include doctype, html, or body tags in your outgoing emails. Contact Us Email Address Updated

    The Contact Us form no longer uses the end-user's email address for the sender field. It will use the Webmaster Email stated within your site's options. Email Diagnostic Updated

    The Email Diagnostic tool was updated to show the complete SMTP Error message if it occurs. This will make diagnosing outgoing email issues easier. Additional AdminCP Issues
    • Combined the Image Settings and Message Attachment Options setting groups into a group called Attachment Options.
    • Added column headers to the Style Manager.
    • Hidden Themes shown in Debug Mode can no longer be set as Active in the Style Manager.
    • Settings can be backed up and restored outside of Debug Mode.
    • A quick search for Recently Banned Users has been added to the User Manager.
