Linuxis käskude kirjeldused

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    • Oct 2021
    • 318

    Linuxis käskude kirjeldused

    cat Utility to concatenate files to standard output
    chgrp Utility to change file group ownership
    chmod Utility to change file access permissions
    chown Utility to change file owner and group
    cp Utility to copy files and directories
    date Utility to print or set the system data and time
    dd Utility to convert and copy a file
    df Utility to report filesystem disk space usage
    dmesg Utility to print or control the kernel message buffer
    echo Utility to display a line of text
    false Utility to do nothing, unsuccessfully
    hostname Utility to show or set the system’s host name
    kill Utility to send signals to processes
    ln Utility to make links between files
    login Utility to begin a session on the system
    ls Utility to list directory contents
    mkdir Utility to make directories
    mknod Utility to make block or character special files
    more Utility to page through text
    mount Utility to mount a filesystem
    mv Utility to move/rename files
    ps Utility to report process status
    pwd Utility to print name of current working directory
    rm Utility to remove files or directories
    rmdir Utility to remove empty directories
    sed The ‘sed’ stream editor
    sh The Bourne command shell
    stty Utility to change and print terminal line settings
    su Utility to change user ID
    sync Utility to flush filesystem buffers
    true Utility to do nothing, successfully
    umount Utility to unmount file systems
    uname Utility to print system information

    Listing Files
    ls -a
    ls -l
    ls -l -h
    ls -d

    cp [source] [destination]
    cp /tmp -r
    mv [source] [destination]
    mv newexample.txt myfile.txt
    -i Interactive: Ask if a file is to be overwritten.
    -n Do not overwrite a destination file's contents.
    -v Verbose: Show the resulting move.

    Loo uus tühi fail:
    touch sample
    Kustuta faile ja kaustu:
    rm -i option when deleting multiple files
    rm -i *.txt
    rm -r Videos
    rmdir, but only if the directory is empty

    alias mycal="cal 2019"

    echo Today is `date`
    Today is Wed Nov 17 21:03:18 UTC 2021

    semicolon ; character can be used to run multiple commands
    cal 1 2030; cal 2 2030; cal 3 2030

    double ampersand && acts as a logical "and";
    ls /etc/ppp && echo success

    double pipe || is a logical "or"
    ls /etc/junk || echo failed

    Running a script

    echo "Hello, World!"

    chmod +x ./ -käivitavaks muutmiseks

    Process Snapshot

    ps aux | head
    ps -e | grep firefox
    ps -u root

    Directory Description

    / The base of the structure, or root of the filesystem, this directory unifies all directories regardless of whether they are local partitions, removable devices or network shares
    /bin Essential binaries like the ls, cp, and rm commands, and be a part of the root filesystem
    /boot Files necessary to boot the system, such as the Linux kernel and associated configuration files
    /dev Files that represent hardware devices and other special files, such as the /dev/null and /dev/zero files
    /etc Essential host configurations files such as the
    /etc / hosts or /etc / passwd files
    /home User home directories
    /lib Essential libraries to support the executable files in the /bin and /sbin directories
    /lib64 Essential libraries built for a specific architecture. For example, the /lib64 directory for 64-bit AMD/Intel x86 compatible processors
    /media Mount point for removable media mounted automatically
    /mnt Mount point for temporarily mounting filesystems manually
    /opt Optional third-party software installation location
    /proc Virtual filesystem for the kernel to report process information, as well as other information
    /root Home directory of the root user
    /sbin Essential system binaries primarily used by the root user
    /sys Virtual filesystem for information about hardware devices connected to the system
    /srv Location where site-specific services may be hosted
    /tmp Directory where all users are allowed to create temporary files and that is supposed to be cleared at boot time (but often is not)
    /usr Second hierarchy Non-essential files for multi-user use
    /usr/local Third hierarchy Files for software not originating from distribution
    /var Fourth hierarchy Files that change over time
    /var/cache Files used for caching application data
    /var/log Most log files
    /var/lock Lock files for shared resources
    /var/spool Spool files for printing and mail
    /var/tmp Temporary files to be preserved between reboots

